A fathomless blue sea encloses us precisely curse;
Unthinkable thunderstorms echoed farther and overpoweringly burst,
Both heads at once raise upward the sky;
As the swirl of loud wind produces dust,
In no time the glimmer of anxiety within us rolls by.
I feel helpless with nothing to react against;
Let alone hold your large warm hands closely,
On the spur of the moment, the downpour begins;
And panic rather floods over us in a rush instantaneously.
My grip tightens;
But yours feel more tightened.
As if losing me makes you frighten, intensely; Cause your striking concerning eyes are the only thing that exists around me currently,
I let you hold on to me in the Middle Of The Ship;
As if my entire life depended on you endlessly.
Unbearable the thought is to see you disappear permanently;
Behind the vast sea roaring, infinitely.
Juveria Bilal